Half Pig, Half Jackass

"What Hillary has said is that if she were elected she would ask me, and others–including former Republican presidents–to go out and immediately try to restore America's standing, go out and tell people America was open for business and cooperation again" – Bill Clinton

I presume he means living Republican ex-Presidents, so you know what they say, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the Bush.."

And don't worry if that doesn't make sense, because it makes no sense to me either. I just thought it made more sense than Clinton's quote.

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About tedwest

A longtime veteran of comedy and political forums, I decided that I needed a more restful venue because... well... I finally hate everybody. Except my wife that is... and my ex-wife.. and... no, that's about it. I lead about as simple a life as one can, preferring activities that include anything that doesn't involve going out and seeing YOU! And I particularly enjoy what I call "Get the Bitch" movies on Lifetime. You know the ones where the intended victim finally does something so incredibly stupid that she forfeits her right to live, and from that moment on you're rooting for the stalker. Of course, it rarely works out the way you want, but when it does, the feeling you get is... well, there's nothing else like it, other than, maybe, eating chocolate chip cookies. Oh, and I'm proudly anti-wildlife, both foreign and domestic, and anti-environment - especially foreign environments. I think Howard Stern put it best when he said, "If fifty percent of the population died tomorrow, I can live with that." And I feel the same about the other fifty percent, so together, we've pretty much got it all covered.
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